Piloting of the BREED outputs
VET teachers and groups of VET students piloted the BREED Training Toolkit in the project countries.
A total of about 50 VET teachers/trainers and 400 VET students experienced the use of the BREED training at the end of their 2022 school year, particularly by the Italian partner VET school Istituto di Istruzione Superiore”Antonio Zanelli” and the associated Polish VET schools Complex of Schools of the Agricultural Education Center Michał Drzymała in Brzostów and School Complex of the Agricultural Education Center.
Modules of the BREED training have been used as school lessons and students experienced the related online tests as knowledge check. Within the schools having participated to the piloting started the process for emebedding the BREED training in their permanent educational programmes, as well as the recognition of the BREED certificates of Module completion as internal micro-credits for students.
VET teachers’ and students’ evaluation have been of most relevance for the project team’s analysis of the quality of the BREED training.